WITRON realizes REWE logistics center in Henstedt-Ulzburg
The food retailer REWE will supply more than 350 stores in Northern Germany through its new automated logistics center in Henstedt-Ulzburg starting in August 2022. The general contractor WITRON Logistik + Informatik GmbH from Parkstein received the order for the design and realization of the facility.
Implementing the WITRON solutions OPM (Order Picking Machinery), DPS (Dynamic Picking System), CPS (Car Picking System), and DPP (Display Pallet Picking), will enable REWE to pick up to 165,000 cases on a peak day in a store-friendly manner. The facility with a size of 86,500 square meters / 931,100 square feet will store more than 12,000 different items from a dry and fresh food assortment.
“The most important reasons for this investment decision were both ecological and economic factors”, says REWE’s Business Unit Manager Logistics National / Supply Chain Management, Matthias Bähr. “This includes a high level of cost-efficiency along the supply chain as well as a long-term guarantee of an excellent supply of our markets, even in times of crisis. Our sustainability strategy also includes other aspects such as ergonomic workstations, the reduction of CO2 emissions through optimally packed load carriers and, as a result, the reduction of trailer tours. And last but not least, the construction of the warehouse and administration site in accordance with the DGNB Gold Standards (DGNB = German Sustainable Building Council).”