Demonstration Centre Europe's First

OW Robotics (OWR) has launched Europe’s first Robotics Demonstration Centre for customers and businesses looking to transform their warehouse, logistics and manufacturing operations through automation.
Based at OWR’s Lincoln HQ, the centre allows UK businesses to replicate their processes within a sandbox environment, so they can get first-hand experience and insight into how a tailored automated robotics solution would impact their business. This gives business leaders a clearer understanding of how it will meet their requirements, the scalability of a robotics system and how it can reduce training, safety, recruitment and absence costs as well as improve picking rates and accuracy. All before making an investment.
The centre has a fully functioning goods-to-person robotics grid including pick stations and multiple rack combinations so that customers can see an estimation of what their solution will look like alongside a demonstration of OWR’s WMS and RCS systems which guide the robots. The second floor is home to an A-to-B robotics grid to demonstrate the flexibility and speed in which the robots operate.
Joe Daft, head of robotics at OWR, says it has seen a real upturn in interest in tailored automation and robotics solutions for logistic purposes, as businesses recognise the importance of being more agile and flexible to meet changing customer demands:
“There’s no doubt that the impact of Covid-19 on buying habits has tested the reliability and resolve of many businesses’ operations, questioning their speed and adaptability when demand spikes or shifts. This has only driven an already growing wave of businesses looking to automation and robotics.
“Gone are the days of the word ‘robotics’ meaning an investment of tens of millions of pounds in order to get a solution that is right for them. That said, it’s still a significant investment and for most business leaders, although exciting and game changing, it’s unfamiliar. That’s why this demonstration centre is so important. There are lots of different solutions out there in the market that can achieve a wide range of aspects for logistical operations. This can often leave businesses unclear on what is the best option for them.
“By visiting our Robotics Demonstration Centre, visitors can see our robots complete tasks that mimic their own processes in a simulated environment, which helps to bring clarity and understanding on how they can meet their demands and challenges – there’s no better way to get the right solution.”
Earlier this year OWR announced a partnership with leading Chinese robotics manufacturer, Hikrobot, to make robotic automation more accessible for businesses of all sizes in the UK.
Since the launch, Greg Downey, robotics business consultant at OWR says they have already had really positive feedback: “So far visitors have found it to be an incredible experience especially the fact they can see one of their own entire workflows from start to finish, carried out by robots. They are also really impressed with the way we work with them before the demonstration day to understand their product make-up and general throughput figures, so we can offer as close to a real experience as possible. Once visitors have had this experience, they leave with a much clearer understanding of their automation journey and how a tailored OWR solution can bring real benefits to their business.”
OWR is the sister company of ERP and WMS developer OrderWise which has three decades of experience in the logistics industry and a great understanding of context and how advanced technology can be applied to best effect.
To find out more about the Robotics Demonstration Centre and book a visit for your own business, contact Greg by emailing greg.downey@owrobotics.co.uk or go to https://www.owrobotics.co.uk/tour-2020/