IMHX provides perfect platform for AMHSA to promote automation benefits
AMHSA, which has over 60 members and acts as the voice of the automated intralogistics industry, will once again have a high profile at the UK’s flagship logistics exhibition. With 30 AMHSA members exhibiting this year, IMHX is the perfect place to find the best in automated material handling solutions and potential suppliers.
There is really nothing to compare with IMHX in terms of providing opportunities to discover new solutions and meet potential suppliers,” commented Matthew Jones, Administration and Events Manager for AMHSA. “This is why AMHSA invests heavily in its presence at the exhibition and seeks to share knowledge and innovation about the benefits of automation with as many visitors as possible. It’s clear that automation can solve some of the most challenging issues in intralogistics today: labour scarcity, how to deal cost-effectively with rising e-commerce volumes and how to build supply chain resilience.
AMHSA Pavilion: the hub for automation
The AMHSA Pavilion will again be the main focus for promoting logistics automation at IMHX. Located in hall 5, the pavilion will feature the stands of nine AMHSA members around its perimeter. The central area of the pavilion will accommodate a lounge where members can offer hospitality to clients, along with two meeting rooms for members’ exclusive use. The remaining 21 AMHSA members exhibiting at IMHX will be based on stands located around the exhibition, with all 30 members set to showcase leading-edge automation solutions and software for the supply chain.
Conference Sessions
AMHSA representatives and members will be participating in the packed conference programme at IMHX. AMHSA’s sessions include ‘Warehouse Automation Technology – AMHSA’s Essential Journey Guide’ (11.30am Tuesday, Logistics Solutions theatre); a panel discussion entitled ‘Automation Should’nt Cost The Earth’ (10.00am Wednesday, Logistics Conference theatre); and ‘Automation Strategy for SMEs’ (11.30am Thursday, Logistics Solutions theatre). The latter will cover some of the many scalable solutions and creative financing options now available to SMEs.
In addition to the standard presentations, exhibition organisers have introduced a new Power Pitch session, designed to deliver informative quick fire innovative solutions to the market, in an actioned packed 3 slides in 3 minutes presentation format. Several AMHSA members will be delivering their own 5-minute ‘Power Pitch’ in the Logistics Solutions theatre on Wednesday and Thursday.
The two theatres will operate simultaneously using the latest audio techniques. The audience will wear wireless headphone receivers which will receive the presentation being broadcast, demonstrating that the organisers too are utilising the latest technologies to constantly improve the experience for visitors to the exhibition.
“On their own our members are powerful – Together they are unstoppable”.