Harborough Innovation Centre Closes Doors - AMHSA Continues Remotely
The UK is currently experiencing unprecedented measures for controlling the spread of COVID-19 and the decision has been reached to take appropriate steps, in line with many other businesses, to close the facility.
Whilst this does cause some operational restrictions and prevents the usual physical meetings and events from taking place we are not alone in our fight to combat this virus and will do everything sensible and possible to keep as many people safe and well.
However, we have decided to employ technologies that will help us to maintain a level of service for our members and their clients, customers and partners during this emergency.
In addition to the superb work being undertaken by our emergency services, food and medical retailers and those providing essential services, AMHSA and our members will also endeavour to maintain the vital supply chains so desperately needed at this time of hardship and worry.
The AMHSA Secretariat team will continue to work remotely to ensure that your communications or needs are addressed as quickly as possible. We are working remotely and will be happy to address your needs.
Our best form of communication will be use of email to the usual address secretary@amhsa.co.uk or you can contact Matt Jones on 07517 610514. Unfortunately, we will not be able to receive any correspondence by post at this time as all post to the centre has been temporarily suspended.
Keep in touch and together we can continue to keep supply chains delivering essential resources.
On our own we are powerful together we are unstoppable.